Friday, November 19, 2021

 We did it 2 years ahead of plan!

Shortly after we both began shooting video clips in 2013 to market online, we set a goal to have 2,000 video clips filmed, edited, captioned, keyworded and uploaded for review and approved in 10 years.

Shooting video footage is more demanding than shooting stills nearly always requiring a tripod and a different strategy.

When 4K video came into play, we invested in new equipment yielding spectacular results.

Three years ago we made the decision, for several reasons, to go exclusive with our  top performing video agency Pond 5.  We removed over 1,100 video clips from three other agencies and never looked back.  

This week, 2years ahead of schedule, we celebrated as we topped 2,000 video clips uploaded, reviewed and approved for sale on Pond 5.  You can view our work here:

Our video clips exclusively on Pond5